Why People with Diabetes Should Keep Track of their Health
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) here in the United States says that one in 10 people live with diabetes. That number amounts to about 37.3 million Americans. The odds are that you know someone with the condition. The statistics also show that diabetes is developing in younger people now at a faster rate.
Insulin’s 101st Anniversary
Modern medicine has come a long way, and it was just over 100 years ago, that insulin was discovered, which revolutionized the way people with the condition could survive. Before insulin, those with diabetes couldn’t count on living a long life, so insulin has been a huge medical breakthrough, but the disease still affects more and more people each year.
There is no cure yet for diabetes, so if you have it, you must be vigilant in how your body is functioning because high blood sugar levels can cause a variety of serious health problems to arise over time.
New Promise For Type 1
There is good news on the horizon in the history of Type 1 diabetes. There is now a new drug that will delay the onset of the condition by up to three years and slow down the progression of the disease.
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has just announced the approval of teplizumab for patients ages eight and above.
Key Glucose Level Checks
Diabetes is a lifelong chronic condition, and great care is essential for avoiding potentially fatal complications. Glucose levels tell the story, and testing your blood sugar is the answer.
For example, those with Type 1 are advised to test their blood sugar a minimum of four times daily, and those with Type 2 are recommended to test their blood sugar twice a day.
It comes down to taking control of your health, and technological advances today can help you with remote patient monitoring services in watching over your condition. Different from hospitals and doctors these services can help keep watch of your glucose levels to gather data for your future doctors appointments. There is 24-hour clinical monitoring to physicians with real-time vital information and data, and this allows the patient to feel empowered in their own health and managing their diabetes.
Prevention Of Complications
Keeping track of your health on all levels is especially important when you have diabetes. The condition can sometimes lead to health complications from head to toe.
For instance, your vision can be afected and result in diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, macular edema, cataracts and glaucoma. Having a dilated eye exam annually can help protect your eyes.
Nerve damage or diabetic neuropathy is another issue that can occur when you have high blood sugar levels for a long time. That is why maintaining your blood sugar at your target levels is essential.
Managing your diabetes also helps reduce your risk for cardiovascular problems. Studies show that you are twice as likely to develop heart disease or a stroke than someone who doesn’t have diabetes.
People diagnosed with diabetes will learn how to keep track of their health, however family and friends should also learn about this condition because having a good support system can help you live a longer life. Creating a healthy environment around yourself or someone with diabetes can really help save a life. Maintaining healthy feet is key when living with diabetes, and doctors advise checking them daily for any cuts, swelling, blistering, redness or any other changes you observe. Nerve damage and poor blood flow can cause serious foot problems and can lead to infection.
Benefits Of Physical Activity
When you’re active, there is more control over your blood sugar levels, and it does a body good. Fitness experts recommend doing moderate-intensity physical activities such as swimming, brisk walking, dancing, bicycling, mowing the lawn and doing housework. Add an active hobby to your schedule such as walking around the park or walking around the neighborhood.
Shoot for 150 minutes per week of exercise, or try fitting in about 20 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity daily.
Don’t forget to check your blood sugar before doing exercise, especially if you take insulin.
Diet also plays a major role in maintaining optimum health, and for diabetes, this means less sugar and salt. Say yes to fresh vegetables and fruits. A dietician can help you design a healthy-eating menu.
Many live with diabetes, including famous individuals such as Halle Berry, Tom Hanks, Sharon Stone, Nick Jonas, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Jay Cutler and Salma Hayek. Nick Jonas says he works out, eats well and always thinks about his blood sugar and insulin needs.